
ANSA COVID-19 Response Monitor

Armed Non-State Actors (ANSAs), including those that control territory, responded to COVID-19 by adopting new policies and implementing measures. Against this background, the ANSA COVID-19 Response Monitor tracks such practices. The Response Monitor includes a broad variety of measures with concrete courses of action as well as overall responses reflected in unilateral declarations and public statements made by ANSAs in reaction to COVID-19. The new and improved Response Monitor offers users analytical data through a dashboard where a variety of data-disaggregating sections are displayed. By providing this information, our aim is to support aid and protection organizations in tailoring their engagement strategies in times of the COVID-19 and support those most vulnerable to the impacts of the crisis in armed conflict or violence-affected areas.

Navigating the ANSA COVID-19 Response Monitor: Check out our demo video

For the purposes of the Response Monitor, Geneva Call uses a broad understanding of ANSAs that covers many type of actors, including de facto authorities, non- or partially

internationally recognized States, armed opposition movements, movements of national liberation, paramilitary units, vigilante groups or self-defence militia, armed gangs and cartels.

Responses without a territorial scope


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