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Infographics: overview 2016 of Geneva Call’s programme in Iraq

Infographics: overview 2016 of Geneva Call’s programme in Iraq.

Since December 2013, when the Islamic State group (ISg) extended its operations, the unabated armed conflict has opposed ISg and government forces and numerous armed non-State actors (ANSAs).

Iraqi government forces are supported by an international coalition of more than 20 States. Popular Mobilization Forces—mainly Shia ANSAs which are not, in practice, subordinated to the armed forces—are a leading combat force. The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Peshmerga forces and other Kurdish ANSAs also participate in the armed conflict.

Violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and other international norms, by all weapon bearers, remain widespread.

Since 2015, Geneva Call has been engaging with Shia, Kurdish and Sunni ANSAs participating in the armed conflict and committing violations of humanitarian norms. Geneva Call also works with community-based organization (CBOs)/civil society organization (CSOs), influential religious and tribal leaders, and other relevant stakeholders that can facilitate the organization’s engagement with ANSAs and contribute to the dissemination of humanitarian norms. The Fighter not Killer campaign is used to raise the awareness of ANSAs, their constituencies and the broader public about humanitarian norms.


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