Geneva Call’s new visual identity
28 June 2018
To reflect our broader and more international mission and to boost our visibility among very different audiences, we are pleased to announce that we are adopting a new logo, which is strong and impactful yet easily recognized and understood in all cultural contexts.
There is continuity with the previous logo in terms of the colour and the two languages used. The new “seal” design symbolises the commitment taken by armed groups to respect international humanitarian law in conflict situations, while the “wave” recalls the need for a humanitarian dialogue with armed groups on the respect of the civilian populations.
In recent years our work has expanded and we now carry out activities related to a wider range of thematic issues. In addition to the protection of children, the prohibition of sexual violence and the ban on anti- personnel mines we have also begun to work on new thematic issues, namely displacement, the protection of medical facilities and cultural heritage. In addition, we have significantly broadened our activities by expanding into new contexts including Libya, Mali, Yemen and Ukraine and opening a series of new field offices, notably in Iraq and in the Philippines.
Our new visual identity is officially launched on 28 June 2018. This change does not affect our bylaws, mission and activities in any way.