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Iraq: training on humanitarian norms for members of the Shia Popular Mobilization Units

Following several meetings, Geneva Call held its first training sessions on international humanitarian law (IHL) for fighters, officers and members of the Iraqi Shia armed actor, the Popular Mobilization Units – Ashura Saraya. The first meeting took place on 27 February 2016 in Baghdad. As many of the 29 participants were officers involved in the planning […]

Syria: top military commanders from eight Free Syrian Army brigades receive training on humanitarian norms in Geneva

From 16 to 19 December 2015, Geneva Call trained commanders from eight Free Syrian Army (FSA) brigades on humanitarian norms in Geneva. These brigades number an estimated 15,000 combatants and are active in northern Syria, including in Aleppo, Hama, Idlib and Latakia. Over three days, they participated in sessions on rules related to the conduct […]

Syrie: les commandants militaires de huit brigades de l’Armée Syrienne Libre formés aux normes humanitaires à Genève

Du 16 au 19 décembre 2015, l’Appel de Genève a formé les commandants en chef de huit brigades de l’Armée Syrienne Libre (ASL) à Genève. Ces brigades peuvent compter, selon certaines estimations, sur plus de 15 000 combattants et sont actives dans le nord de la Syrie, en particulier à Alep, Hama, Idlib et Latakieh. […]

A report from inside Syria: a visit to monitor the prohibition on the use of child soldiers in Kurdish areas

November 2015. For the sixth time since the Syrian Kurdish armed forces signed the Deed of Commitment protecting children in armed conflict, in 2014, a team from Geneva Call went to Syria to monitor the situation related to the use of child soldiers by those forces. Travel to Syria Our journey to Syria begins in […]

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