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Armed Groups and de facto Authorities (AGDA): Geneva Call adapts its engagement terminology

Geneva – 15 July 2022. Geneva Call will, from now on, use the expression “Armed Groups and de facto Authorities – AGDA” to describe the actors with which the organization engages. While the term “Armed Non-State Actor” (also known under the acronym “ANSA”) has been commonly used throughout the years, it now poses increasingly legal […]

Geneva Call in the news – Georgian fighters in Ukraine wrestle with international humanitarian law

Kyiv (Ukraine) (AFP) – His forearm tattooed “Never forget, never forgive,” the head of the Georgian National Legion Mamuka Mamulashvili listens intently to a presentation on the need for fighters in Ukraine to respect international humanitarian law. The event in the capital Kyiv is organised by a Swiss NGO called Geneva Call as part of its […]

Press Release – The Signing of a Unilateral Declaration on Enhancing Unimpeded Delivery of Humanitarian Assistance – Georgian National Legion

Find here the press release in Ukrainian, Georgian, and Russian.  Kyiv, 30 June 2022. The Georgian National Legion signed today a Unilateral Declaration pledging to enhance unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population affected by the armed conflict in Ukraine.   Commander Mamuka Mamulashvili presented to the representatives of Geneva Call in Ukraine […]

Geneva Call in the news – Appel de Genève: “les principes humanitaires méconnus en Ukraine”

“Les principes humanitaires sont méconnus en Ukraine”, une situation très problématique, selon l’Appel de Genève. L’ONG va entamer dans les prochaines semaines plusieurs formations à Odessa et sur la ligne de front. “Il faut s’efforcer de rappeler les principes humanitaires”, notamment la neutralité, affirme dans un entretien à Keystone-ATS le directeur des opérations de l’organisation, […]

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