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Media inquiries

RD Congo: 40 enfants soldats quittent les rangs de mouvements armés suite aux efforts de sensibilisation de l’Appel de Genève

Plus de 40 enfants ont récemment quitté les rangs de mouvements armés opérant au Nord-Kivu, à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). La plupart d’entre eux étaient membres de trois mouvements armés avec lesquels l’Appel de Genève a un dialogue depuis plus d’un an sur l’interdiction d’utiliser des enfants soldats. Suite à leur […]

Infographics: overview 2016 of Geneva Call’s programme in Iraq

Infographics: overview 2016 of Geneva Call’s programme in Iraq. Since December 2013, when the Islamic State group (ISg) extended its operations, the unabated armed conflict has opposed ISg and government forces and numerous armed non-State actors (ANSAs). Iraqi government forces are supported by an international coalition of more than 20 States. Popular Mobilization Forces—mainly […]

Geneva Call ranks 85th best NGO in the world

In the 2017 edition of its Top 500 NGOs world list, NGO Advisor has named Geneva Call as the 85th best NGO in the world. In 2016, Geneva Call ranked 89th and in 2015, 91th best NGO in the world. Every year, NGO advisor researches, evaluates and ranks non-governmental organizations from around the world, highlighting […]

Enhancing the protection of population exposed to war: interview with Katherine Kramer, Geneva Call’s new « impact monitoring » adviser

While mechanisms have been established in the past to monitor Geneva Call’s actions, the organization is taking a new step change to also include accountability and learning in these processes. Katherine Kramer is the new Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Adviser at Geneva Call. Katherine, can you tell us more about this change? For the […]

Media inquiries


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