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‘From Words to Deeds’: Groundbreaking Studies on FARC- EP and MNLA and Dedicated New Website

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and Geneva Call released two substantive studies on the practice and interpretation of core humanitarian norms by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) and the Mouvement National de Libération de l’Azawad (MNLA). The first of a longer series aimed at producing […]

COVID-19 Vaccination Centers in ANSA-Controlled Areas

Also available in Pashto. By Ximena Galvez Lima – Regional Legal and Policy Coordinator – Eurasia   Introduction As a variety of COVID-19 vaccines are now available, the question now lies on vaccination for people living in areas controlled by armed non-State actors (ANSAs) and the protection of COVID-19 vaccination posts or centers [i] that have been […]

A week in Yemen: interview with Geneva Call’s Director of Operations Hichem Khadhraoui

  Transcript: Why did you choose Yemen as your first field visit of 2021? Hichem Khadhraoui: I chose Yemen because it is one of Geneva Call’s priority contexts in terms of material needs and in terms of complexity of the conflict landscape. It is a country where I haven’t been personally since we’ve started the […]

Moving beyond boundaries: Geneva Call’s new regional approach in the Sahel

The security context in the Sahel has become increasingly insecure and has led to an unprecedented crisis. Today, people have only very limited access to basic services such as food or shelter and countless violations of international humanitarian norms by all parties to the conflicts are occurring in the region. Because of these destabilising and conflict-fuelling factors, the Sahel […]

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