
Dans cette rubrique, vous trouverez une collection de vidéos sur nos réalisations passées et récentes, des interviews de groupes armés, de civils et du personnel de l’Appel de Genève, ainsi que de courts clips vidéo utilisés comme matériel de formation lors de nos ateliers sur le terrain.


  • Thématiques

Episode 1: protecting civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Since 2014, Geneva Call has been working in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and has maintenained a humanitarian dialogue on the protection of civilians with several armed groups. In this video the focus is put on the prohibition to recruit and use child soldiers in the conflict.

Episode 3: Geneva Call trains Syrian Democratic Forces on the law of armed conflict

Since 2014, Geneva Call has been working in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and has maintenained a humanitarian dialogue on the protection of civilians with several armed groups. In this video the focus is put on the prohibition to recruit and use child soldiers in the conflict.

Episode 4: Destruction of stockpiled anti-personnel mines by the Polisario Front in Western Sahara

Since 2014, Geneva Call has been working in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and has maintenained a humanitarian dialogue on the protection of civilians with several armed groups. In this video the focus is put on the prohibition to recruit and use child soldiers in the conflict.

Episode 5: Geneva Call engages armed actors in Myanmar

Since 2014, Geneva Call has been working in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and has maintenained a humanitarian dialogue on the protection of civilians with several armed groups. In this video the focus is put on the prohibition to recruit and use child soldiers in the conflict.

Episode 6: Geneva Call promotes International Humanitarian Law in the Philippines

Since 2014, Geneva Call has been working in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and has maintenained a humanitarian dialogue on the protection of civilians with several armed groups. In this video the focus is put on the prohibition to recruit and use child soldiers in the conflict.


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