
Dans cette rubrique, vous trouverez une collection de vidéos sur nos réalisations passées et récentes, des interviews de groupes armés, de civils et du personnel de l’Appel de Genève, ainsi que de courts clips vidéo utilisés comme matériel de formation lors de nos ateliers sur le terrain.


  • Thématiques

Sparing Water from Armed Conflicts – Building a Coalition of Action

The impact of conflict on freshwater and water-related installations is severe and long-lasting, and poses grave humanitarian, development and environmental challenges. Sparing water from armed conflicts and ensuring access to water is therefore a matter of survival in conflict zones. Geneva Call co-organised this panel at the 2024 Geneva Peace Week with Geneva Water Hub and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Slovenia.

Afghanistan: Geneva Call engages with women on the protection of healthcare

Afghanistan: training of communities, women and fighters on humanitarian norms

The Role of Women in Violence Reduction in Afghanistan

Geneva Call

L’Appel de Genève


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