Tragic Death of John Garang – Sudan
2 août 2005
Tragic Death of John Garang (Sudan)
Geneva – 2 August 2005
Geneva Call extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of the Sudanese Vice-President John Garang, Chairman of the SPLM/A, and especially to his spouse Rebecca, whom we had the privilege of meeting two years ago in New Site.
It was the strong conviction and support of John Garang himself that led the SPLM/A to be one of the first armed non-State actors to sign the « Deed of Commitment” of Geneva Call, banning Anti-Personnel Mines and renouncing the use of these terrible weapons.
After the SPLM/A publicly renounced the use of anti-personnel landmines, the Sudanese government joined the Mine Ban Treaty thereby boosting the struggle against these weapons in the region. Furthermore, the contacts which developed between the two Parties as they jointly launched Mine Action programmes helped them develop the trust needed to find a peaceful solution to the conflict that devastated Sudan for so long.
Convinced by the dramatic humanitarian impact of anti-personnel mines, John Garang always insisted on the need to train his combatants on this question.
Indeed, at this very moment, two of Geneva Call’s staff members are in Southern Sudan. They were on mission in the region with a mandate to organize and lead a workshop on the implementation of the mine ban for leaders of the SPLM/A.
Geneva Call hopes that the Sudanese people will continue on the path to peace, the path chosen by John Garang, and assures them of its support and its sympathy at this difficult moment.
Elisabeth Reusse-Decrey
President of Geneva Call