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Geneva Call’s 2014 annual report is now available

2014 was marked by an increase in the number and intensity of non-international armed conflicts in different contexts and countries. These conflicts are taking a dramatic toll on civilian populations, forcing families to leave their homes or children to enrol as fighters. More than ever, dialogue with armed non-State actors (ANSAs) is necessary for the protection of civilian populations from the effects of armed conflict.

In 2014, Geneva Call worked in 16 countries and territories, engaging with 52 ANSAs and encouraging them to move towards compliance with humanitarian norms. Fourteen new Deeds of Commitment were signed by 8 ANSAs, leading to enhanced protection for civilians.  Geneva Call also trained 801 political leaders, fighters, military instructors and representatives from local communities and authorities about broad international humanitarian norms. Furthermore, it accompanied and monitored the implementation of the Deeds of Commitment with each of the 30 signatory ANSAs that remain active.
Another major step in 2014 was the organization of the Third Meeting of Signatories to the Deeds of Commitment, which gathered 70 high-level representatives from 35 ANSAs in Geneva. This event was an important milestone in monitoring and discussing signatory ANSAs’ compliance with the Deeds of Commitment.

> Download Geneva Call’s 2014 annual report



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