Geneva Call is thrilled to release its 2022 Annual Report
29 juin 2023
We are pleased to present Geneva Call’s 2022 Annual Report – “Committing to Respect “ – showcasing the impact of our efforts and accomplishments in promoting humanitarian norms and principles among armed groups and de facto authorities (AGDAs).
In a world where approximately 175 million people see their daily lives impacted by the behavior of AGDAs, the report underlines that the complex nature of these groups demands continued innovative strategies and a nuanced understanding of their unique contexts.
In a year heavily marked by the full-fledged conflict in Ukraine, the report reflects on the wide consequences this conflict had globally from a humanitarian perspective. The erosion of the international rule-based order, attention imbalances, and a growing number of acute humanitarian crises had a cascading effect on almost all the places where Geneva Call operates.
Against this backdrop, we remained steadfast in our commitment to generating a change in policies and practices among AGDAs through direct engagement, sustained dialogue, and the facilitation of behavioral change processes.
To pursue our mission, in 2022 we also continued engaging with a diverse range of actors, including military, community, and religious leaders, as well as international and regional partners. Strengthening local capacities and involving diverse stakeholders is key to trigger and sustain greater respect for humanitarian principles by AGDAs.
Once again, Geneva Call’s renowned engagement tool, the Deed of Commitment, proved highly effective in ensuring that groups publicly commit to improving their behavior. Other commitments were secured from AGDAs in places like Afghanistan, the MENA region or Burkina Faso hence contributing to protecting schools, healthcare facilities, as well as enhancing humanitarian access to AGDA-controlled areas.
We also conducted research in these areas, enabling us to better document and learn from the rich and pragmatic approach on the ground. Furthermore, we maintained our intersectional and conflict-sensitive approach, addressing all aspects of harm when engaging with stakeholders. Geneva Call indeed acknowledges the importance of considering a wide range of demographic factors such as age, disability, gender, and ethnicity when developing strategies so that they are tailored to the needs of the affected populations.
In our ongoing pursuit of civilian protection, we intensified our engagement with policy makers at all levels. Strengthening diplomatic efforts with governmental and inter-governmental partners at the global level is paramount to ensure that the needs and challenges of civilians impacted by AGDAs do not go unnoticed in international policies.