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Geneva Call launches an annual expert meeting series on armed non-State actors and challenges to compliance with International Humanitarian Law

On 5 September, Geneva Call announced the launch of the Annual Garance Discussions, a series of meetings that will be held every year at its new offices in Geneva. The meetings will bring together experts in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to brainstorm responses to current situations and challenges to compliance with IHL faced by armed […]

Sudan: Two armed movements commit to ban landmines

The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, led by Abdul Wahid (SLM/A-AW) and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army, led by Mini Minawi (SLM/A-MM) – two major armed non-State actors from Darfur – signed Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning anti-personnel (AP) mines in Geneva on 14 August 2014. In signing the Deed of Commitment, they agree to prohibit the use, production and […]

DRC: Geneva Call starts discussions with key provincial stakeholders on civilian protection

In July 2014, Geneva Call gathered in Goma influential people who are aware of the dynamics of armed non-State actors (ANSAs) and could potentially support Geneva Call in its effort to protect civilians in the conflict in North Kivu. A group of elderly community representatives from Goma, called the Baraza, selected provincial Members of Parliament, […]

India: Naga armed group commits to ban landmines, sexual violence and child recruitment

On 10 July 2014, the Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Nagaland/National Socialist Council of Nagaland (GPRN/NSCN)-Khole-Kitovi signed Geneva Call’s three Deeds of Commitment on protecting children in armed conflict, banning anti-personnel mines, and prohibiting sexual violence and against gender discrimination. The GPRN/NSCN, which is in a ceasefire with the central Government, is fighting for […]

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