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Requêtes médias

Syria: major brigade of the Free Syrian Army commits against anti-personnel mines and sexual violence

Hazzm Movement, a major brigade of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), signed Geneva Call’s Deeds of Commitment banning anti-personnel mines, and prohibiting sexual violence and against gender discrimination. The Secretary General of the Hazzm Movement – Khalid Saleh – signed the Deeds in Geneva today. Hazzm Movement was founded in 2014 as a result of […]

Syria: monitoring the prohibition of child soldiers by Kurdish armed forces

Following the signature of the Deed of Commitment protecting children in armed conflict by the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) last July, 149 child soldiers were demobilized from the armed forces and given the opportunity to join educational centres; two for girls, two for boys. Geneva Call recently conducted a […]

Expert meeting on improvised explosive devices

According to a report by Action on Armed Violence, 22,735 civilians worldwide were injured or killed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in 2013, a 70% rise since 2011. In September, Geneva Call joined over 40 experts gathered at Chatham House in London to explore how to effectively address this issue. It was generally understood that […]

Inauguration of Geneva Call’s offices

On 9 September, Geneva Call was joined by over 70 people – partner NGOs, local authorities, supporters and donors – to celebrate its recent move to new offices located in “la Garance”, a large house in the commune of Geneva known as Chêne-Bougeries. Guests visited the house, met with staff and discussed Geneva Call’s latest […]

Requêtes médias


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