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Geneva Call in 3 minutes: new video clip

Geneva Call is pleased to launch a short video clip presenting a simple message and illustrations of Geneva Call’s work. It explains Geneva Call’s approach to engage armed non-State actors on the protection of civilians in armed conflict. It is available in 2 languages, English and French. It can be watched and shared through the […]

Lebanon: Inauguration of the Legal Training Center in Ain al-Hilweh Refugee Camp

A milestone of Geneva Call’s project in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon was reached on 25 October with the inauguration of the Legal Training Center in Ain al-Hilweh camp. The Legal Support Unit (LSU) to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) is now formally established. The LSU will develop programmes to train all members of […]

Sudan: Training on international humanitarian norms for four armed movements

From 22nd to 24th October, Geneva Call conducted several training sessions on humanitarian norms for 33 high-level officers, military commanders and legal advisers from four Sudanese armed non-State actors (ANSA). It is the first time that these four ANSAs received training together. All of them are signatories to Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning anti-personnel […]

Syrie: une des principales brigades de l’Armée Libre Syrienne s’engage contre les mines antipersonnel et les violences sexuelles

Le Mouvement Hazzm, une des principales brigades de l’Armée Syrienne Libre, a signé l’Acte d’Engagement de l’Appel de Genève sur l’interdiction des mines antipersonnel ainsi que celui sur l’interdiction des violences sexuelles et contre la discrimination basée sur le genre. Le Secrétaire Général du Mouvement Hazzm – Khalid Saleh – était présent à Genève cet […]

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