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Geneva Call ranks among the top 500 NGOs worldwide

The Swiss non-profit Global Geneva has ranked Geneva Call 91st in their 2015 listing of the world’s top 500 non-governmental organizations. 1,800 NGOs were considered out of which 500 appear on the list. Geneva Call is working towards an enhanced protection of civilian populations in armed conflict and is one of the world’s leading organizations […]

Syria, Kobane: explosive traps and remnants of war put the returning population at risk

After several months of intense fighting, the city of Kobane is now under the control of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) / the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) – the main Syrian Kurdish armed movement. Thousands of civilians that had fled to Turkey are now attempting to cross the Turkish border to return home. However, the […]

Geneva Call welcomes the announcement by the FARC-EP on a raise of the minimum recruitment age

Geneva Call welcomes the announcement by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) that they will raise the minimum age of incorporation into their forces from 15 to 17. Geneva Call finds this to be a positive first step for the well-being and protection of conflict-affected children in Colombia, and an important gesture in […]

El Llamamiento de Ginebra saluda el anuncio de las FARC-EP de aumentar la edad mínima para el reclutamiento

El Llamamiento de Ginebra saluda el anuncio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejercito del Pueblo (FARC-EP) de elevar la edad mínima de ingreso a sus filas de 15 a 17 años por considera que es un paso positivo para la protección y el bienestar de los niños, niñas y jóvenes, afectados por […]

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