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Colombia: new steps in Geneva Call’s discussions with the FARC-EP delegation in Havana

Following an invitation from the FARC-EP delegation, a new meeting between Geneva Call and members of this delegation took place between 4 and 7 April 2015 in Havana, Cuba. Representatives of FARC-EP and Geneva Call clearly expressed their interest in working more closely on the protection of the civilians in Colombia. During this meeting, different […]

Colombia: nuevos avances en las discusiones del Llamamiento de Ginebra con la delegación de Paz de las FARC-EP en La Habana

A raíz de una invitación realizada por la delegación de las FARC-EP se llevó a cabo entre el 4 y el 7 de Abril 2015 en La Habana, Cuba, un nuevo encuentro entre el Llamamiento de Ginebra y miembros de esta delegación. Los representantes de las FARC-EP y del Llamamiento de Ginebra expresaron claramente su […]

International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Western Sahara: the Polisario Front destroys stockpiles of anti-personnel mines

On 30 March, the Polisario Front destroyed a stockpile of anti-personnel (AP) mines in Tifariti, Western Sahara. The total number of destroyed AP mines still has to be confirmed. This is the fifth destruction since the Polisario Front decided to ban this weapon in 2005 by signing Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning AP mines. […]

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