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37 Countries Start Process of Protecting Schools and Universities during Conflict

Oslo From 28 to 29 May 2015, Geneva Call participated in a conference hosted by the Norwegian Foreign Affairs Ministry. Geneva Call’s President speech is available here. 37 countries on May 29, 2015, joined an international Safe Schools Declaration that commits them to protect education from attack. In situations of conflict, widespread attacks on schools and […]

FIGHTER, NOT KILLER: A mobile application to raise awareness of the law of war among armed groups

Can a hospital be targeted if the enemy is inside and targeting you? Can you enrol young people as combatants without being sure they are 18? Can you pretend to surrender in order to attack your enemy by surprise? These are the types of questions—and they sometimes involve complex answers—that many combatants in armed groups […]

COMBATTANT PAS ASSASSIN : un quiz mobile pour sensibiliser les groupes armés au droit de la guerre

Peut-on viser un hôpital si l’ennemi s’y trouve et vous prend pour cible ? Peut-on accepter des jeunes en tant que combattants sans être sûr qu’ils aient 18 ans ? Peut-on feinter une reddition pour attaquer l’ennemi par surprise? Telles sont les questions, aux réponses parfois complexes, que de nombreux combattants de groupes armés se posent régulièrement […]

Geneva Call’s programme coordinator in Colombia receives the Henry Dunant prize

On 11 May 2015, at a ceremony held in the Alabama Room of Geneva Hôtel de Ville, the national coordinator of Geneva Call’s programmes in Colombia and head of the NGO “Compromiso Humano”, Ms. Yolvi Lena Padilla Sepúlveda , was awarded the “Henry Dunant–Field Prize.” The Henry Dunant Foundation citation read, “Yolvi Lena’s exceptional work […]

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