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Iran: a Kurdish armed movement takes official commitments to reinforce the protection of civilian

The Kurdistan Freedom Party (Parti Azadi Kurdistan, PAK) from Iran, has signed Geneva Call’s three Deeds of Commitment banning AP mines, prohibiting sexual violence and against gender discrimination, and protecting children in armed conflict. This took place on 28 June 2015 in the Kurdish region of Iraq. The PAK was represented by its Vice President, […]

Geneva Call’s 2014 annual report is now available

2014 was marked by an increase in the number and intensity of non-international armed conflicts in different contexts and countries. These conflicts are taking a dramatic toll on civilian populations, forcing families to leave their homes or children to enrol as fighters. More than ever, dialogue with armed non-State actors (ANSAs) is necessary for the […]

Democratic Republic of Congo: a dialogue on the protection of civilians has started with two major armed movements

Following the establishment of first contacts last February, Geneva Call recently conducted a field visit to two major national and foreign armed movements operating in the Masisi and Walikale territories of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Both armed movements can muster several hundred combatants, and they conduct regular military operations in the area. Despite dangerous […]

Syria: Kurdish forces take further measures to stop the use of children in hostilities

Since the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) signed the Deed of Commitment protecting children in armed conflict in July 2014, Geneva Call has maintained a constant dialogue with them in order to monitor the situation. Following several allegations about the use of children in hostilities, particularly in a United Nations […]

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