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El Llamamiento de Ginebra saluda el nuevo anuncio de cese unilateral del fuego declarado por las FARC – EP a partir del 20 de julio

El Llamamiento de Ginebra como organización no gubernamental neutral e imparcial que promueve el respeto de las normas internacionales humanitarias por parte de los actores no estatales (ANEEs) en situaciones de conflicto armado, resalta y valora el gesto unilateral de cese al fuego por un mes declarado por las FARC – EP, hecho que significará […]

Conference report: Geneva Call’s Third Meeting of Signatories

From 17 to 20 November 2014, Geneva Call held its Third Meeting of Signatories to the Deeds of Commitment in Geneva. This meeting gathered 70 high-level representatives – political leaders, commanders, officers and legal advisers – of 36 armed non-State actors (ANSAs) from 14 different countries, including Syria, Burma/Myanmar, Sudan, Philippines and Somalia. Most were […]

Northeast India: Another step towards ending sexual violence

On 1 July, the National Socialist Council of Nagalim, led by Isak Chishi Swu and Thuingaleng Muivah (NSCN-IM), signed Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment prohibiting sexual violence and against gender discrimination, thereby formalizing its own long-standing policy on these issues.  The NSCN-IM is the fifth armed non-State actor (ANSA) in the region to sign this […]

First African signatory to the Deed of Commitment protecting children in armed conflict

The SPLM (Sudan) has committed to prohibiting the use of children in hostilities and to ensuring that children are not recruited into or forcibly associated with armed forces. Following several meetings and work sessions between the SPLM (Sudan) representatives and Geneva Call’s staff, to discuss the concrete implementation of the obligations under this Deed, the […]

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