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Twenty years later, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front reaffirms its commitment to the total ban on anti-personnel mines.

Geneva Call, representatives of Mine Action in the Philippines, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) political and military leadership, regional government, civil society, and the international community celebrated in Cotabato, Philippines, the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for Adherence to a Total Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines (APMs) and for Cooperation […]

Geneva Call in the news – Genève Internationale 21/03/2022 – Alain Délétroz

  L’Appel de Genève est la seule organisation au monde à se concentrer exclusivement sur un changement durable de comportement des groupes armés envers les civils. Nous découvrons Geneva Call avec son directeur, Alain Délétroz.   Listen to the podcast here. 

Geneva Call launches an appeal to the international community to support the promotion of humanitarian norms in Ukraine to prevent civilian casualties and facilitate unimpeded humanitarian access

The militarisation of the country and the region resulted in the mobilisation of several armed actors that are already fighting and have a significant impact on the civilian population and their livelihoods in the short and medium-term. While combatants are already active, reservists and national and international volunteers have been called and are being equipped […]

Geneva Call Humanitarian Response in Ukraine amid Escalation of Hostilities

Geneva, 01 March 2022   Amid the rapid escalation of hostilities in Ukraine, Geneva Call expresses its deepest concern for the safety of civilians impacted by the armed conflict and remains firmly committed to supporting the affected population in Ukraine and in the region. The recent intensification of hostilities in eastern Ukraine is exposing the […]

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