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Geneva Call visits Thailand’s deep south to mobilize support for the public campaign on humanitarian norms

From 27 June-1 July, Katherine Kramer, Asia Programme Director, visited Thailand ’s southern border provinces, which have been experiencing significant levels of armed violence since 2004.  According to Deep South Watch, in the period of 2004-2015 this unrest has resulted in over 15,000 attacks killing over 6,500 persons and wounding nearly 12,000 others, mainly civilians. […]

Democratic Republic of Congo: first steps towards greater respect for the civilian populations in North Kivu

Geneva Call is entering its second year of work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The organization has recently observed concrete examples of improvements in respect for civilians by various armed groups with which it is in dialogue. In North Kivu, Geneva Call has initiated discussions with four active armed groups and during the […]

Colombia: Geneva Call invited to support the demobilization of minors from the ranks of the FARC-EP

Geneva Call is pleased with the 15 May 2016 agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) regarding the demobilization of minors from FARC-EP camps. As a part of this agreement, the parties to the conflict have invited Geneva Call to support, accompany and follow up on the process […]

El Llamamiento de Ginebra saluda la conclusión de un cese al fuego bilateral y definitivo entre el Gobierno colombiano y las FARC-EP

El Llamamiento de Ginebra felicita al Gobierno colombiano y a las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP)  para la conclusión del “Acuerdo para el Cese al Fuego y de Hostilidades Bilateral y Definitivo” que fue anunciado por las partes el 22 de junio 2016 en la Habana. “Esperamos que con este paso importante […]

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