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Lebanon: Geneva Call trains youth from political parties on law of armed conflict

With the support of Finland, Geneva Call launched a summer school on the law of armed conflict for youth from different political parties in Lebanon. “This is a unique opportunity, a neutral space for Lebanese youth from various political backgrounds to discuss international standards regulating armed conflict”, said Finland’s Ambassador to Lebanon His Excellency Matti […]

Seven leaders of a Syrian Kurdish political movement discuss humanitarian norms in Geneva

From July 9 to 10, Geneva Call organized a workshop with high-level representatives of the Kurdish National Council in Syria (KNC) – an opposition political movement in the Kurdish area of Syria – to discuss key concepts and rules of International Humanitarian Law. Seven of the 12 Syrian Kurdish political parties that comprise the KNC […]

RD Congo: Lancement de la campagne de sensibilisation « Combattant mais pas Assassin » sur les lois de la guerre auprès des mouvements armés

Goma, 27 juillet 2016 “Agissez en combattant et non pas en assassin”, tel est le cœur de la campagne multimédia lancée par l’Appel de Genève à Goma en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) le 27 juillet en présence des autorités congolaise et de la communauté humanitaire. Dans les semaines à venir, des messages radiophoniques, portant […]

DR Congo: Launch of the “Fighter not Killer” awareness campaign to sensitize armed movements on the rules of war

Goma, July 27th 2016 “Act as a fighter and not a killer”; this is the core of the multimedia campaign that Geneva Call launched in Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), on July 27th, in the presence of the Congolese authorities and the humanitarian community. In the weeks to come, radio spots concerning […]

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