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El Llamamiento de Ginebra saluda el anuncio del Gobierno colombiano y el ELN de instalar la mesa de diálogos

El Llamamiento de Ginebra se alegra de la instalación de la mesa formal de diálogos de paz el próximo 27 de octubre en Quito, Ecuador, anunciada por el Gobierno colombiano y el ELN el 10 de octubre. El Llamamiento de Ginebra felicita a las partes por este avance importante. En este contexto el Llamamiento de […]

Burma/Myanmar: Geneva Call and partners conduct a first humanitarian workshop with the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army

From 9 to 11 October, Geneva Call conducted a workshop for the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) on humanitarian norms in co-operation with the Karen Community Based Network Group and three international agencies near the Thai-Burma/Myanmar border. The engagement with DKBA started in 2014, however, this workshop marked the first time that Geneva Call had […]

Sudan: 7 SPLM-N representatives in Europe attend a training session on International Humanitarian Law in Geneva

Geneva Call held a training session for 7 SPLM-N representatives based in various European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom). The SPLM-N has been a signatory to Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning anti-personnel (AP) mines since November 2013 and to the Deed of Commitment  protecting children in armed conflict since June 2015. It is […]

Geneva Call’s Executive President is awarded the 2016 Fondation pour Genève Prize

On 6 October 2016, the Fondation pour Genève awarded Elisabeth Decrey Warner the 2016 Fondation pour Genève Prize at a ceremony in Geneva. Around 600 people attended the event, including the General Director of the United Nations Office in Geneva, the Swiss and Genevan authorities, as well as representatives from various diplomatic missions. This distinction […]

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