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Mossoul: l’Appel de Genève sensibilise les Forces de Mobilisation Populaire chiites et les Peshmergas sur la protection des civils

Alors que les opérations militaires de Mossoul entrent dans leur 15ème jour, l’Appel de Genève poursuit ses efforts pour sensibiliser les principaux acteurs armés impliqués, sur la nécessité de protéger les populations civiles, en particulier les forces Peshmergas kurdes et les Forces de Mobilisation Populaire chiites. Formation de formateurs pour les Peshmergas. Du 10 au […]

Syria: Geneva Call launches “Fighter not Killer” — a media campaign on the rules of war

On 20th October 2016, with hostilities ongoing in Syria, Geneva Call relaunched its “Fighter not Killer” media campaign on the rules of war. Until December, video clips presenting such basic humanitarian rules as the prohibitions against targeting civilians or civilian buildings, will be disseminated extensively across Syria via major television channels including Al Aan and […]

Iraq: « civilians must be respected and protected in Mosul, regardless of their religion » say representatives of civil society organizations

On 18th October, Geneva Call in partnership with Un Ponte Per, Public Aid Organization and Norwegian People’s Aid, organized a conference in Dohuk on the protection of civilians during the military operations in Mosul. More than 130 representatives from civil society organizations participated in the conference, including the authorities of the Ninawa province, representatives from all religious […]

Geneva Call welcomes the announcement of the official start of the negotiations between the Colombian Government and the ELN

Geneva Call is delighted with the official start of the peace negotiations planned on the 27th of October in Quito, Ecuador, as announced on the 10th of October by the Colombian Government and the ELN. Geneva Call commends the parties for this significant development. In this context, Geneva Call calls upon the parties to undertake […]

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