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Lebanon: Geneva Call organizes a roundtable on the protection of children at risk to be recruited by armed actors

On 1st February 2017, Geneva Call held a roundtable on the protection of children in armed conflict in partnership with the Permanent Peace Movement – a Lebanese non-governmental organization. The ongoing Syrian conflict and regional tensions have direct effects on Lebanon, which puts children at increased risk of recruitment and use in armed conflict. “In […]

Liban : l’Appel de Genève organise une table ronde sur la protection des enfants dans les zones à risque

Le 1er février 2017, l’Appel de Genève a organisé une table ronde sur la protection des enfants dans les conflits armés en partenariat avec le Mouvement Permanent pour la Paix – une organisation non-gouvernementale libanaise. Le conflit syrien et les tensions régionales ont des effets directs sur le Liban, ce qui crée pour les enfants […]

Kurdish region: amidst concerns about child recruitment, Geneva Call launches a campaign on the protection of the civilian population

On 14th February 2017 Geneva Call is launching a 10-day video campaign on social media – mainly Facebook and Twitter – to raise awareness on the issue of recruitment and use of children during armed conflict and the protection of children during hostilities, but also on humanitarian norms as a whole. Using its 12 “Fighter […]

DR Congo: child soldiers leave armed groups following Geneva Call’s awareness-raising efforts

More than 40 children have recently left armed non-State actors operating in North Kivu in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Most of them come from three armed non-State actors that Geneva Call has been engaging on the ban of child soldiers for more than a year. After their release, the children sought protection […]

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