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Irak : premiers pas vers la création d’un centre de formation sur les régles de la guerre au sein des Forces de Mobilisation Populaire

Les Forces de Mobilisation Populaire (FMP) et l’Appel de Genève ont convenu d’initier un processus de renforcement des capacités des FMP en matière de formation de leurs combattants sur les normes humanitaires et la protection des civils. Les FMP sont l’une des forces armées les plus importantes actives en Irak et participent actuellement, aux côtés de […]

Iraq : first steps towards the creation of a training academy on humanitarian norms within the Popular Mobilization Forces

The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and Geneva Call agreed to start a process to reinforce the PMF own capacity to train their fighters on humanitarian norms and the protection of civilians.  The PMF are one of the main armed actors in Iraq and are currently participating in the military operations in the Mosul area together […]

An exceptional evening for the protection of civilians in conflict

Even in the midst of war, dancers, skaters and other artists continue to on expressing themselves. Geneva Call, which works towards protecting civilians in war-torn countries, joins the Compagnie Urbaine for a show in support of war victims worldwide. ZUP – CREATION 2017 Special evening in support of Geneva Call 5 October 2017 – Plainpalais […]

DR Congo: enhancing civilian protection following fighting in North Kivu

During a field visit to the Masisi territory in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo in April, Geneva Call noted that recent fighting between several armed groups operating in the region had had dramatic consequences on the civilian populations. According to credible sources, 2,200 houses and 4 schools were burnt, more than […]

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