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Interview with Alain Délétroz, Geneva Call’s new Director General: “Keeping humanity alive where fire, steel and ashes tear apart the weak”

On 1 January 2018, Alain Délétroz became Geneva Call’s General Director. With more than twenty years of experience in conflict-affected areas, he intends to further develop the organization and increase Geneva Call’s impact to protect civilian populations in armed conflict. After two months at the head of the organization, he shares his vision, priorities and […]

Northwest Syria: current military operations in Afrin put 323,000 people at risk

On 20 January 2017, fighting between the Turkish army, supported by several Syrian armed non-State actors (ANSAs), and the Kurdish People’s Defences Forces (YPG/YPJ) broke out in Afrin, a region of Northwest Syria. Several of the armed actors involved in these hostilities are signatories to one or more of Geneva Call’s Deeds of Commitment including […]

The Philippines: first meetings with communities affected by armed hostilities in Marawi

Geneva Call staff recently travelled to the island of Mindanao in the Philippines to assess the situation and evaluate the possibilities of working towards increased protection for civilians. The organization’s representatives met with people who had suffered from the recent armed operations in Marawi, the largest Muslim city in a predominantly Catholic nation. In 2017, […]

Iraq: training the Kurdistan Regional Government’s Human Rights Monitoring Unit on the law of armed conflict

Geneva Call, in collaboration with the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) High Committee to Evaluate and Respond to International Reports (HCERIR), organized two workshops on international humanitarian law (IHL) for the Committee’s members and senior focal points from several KRG ministries—Interior, Foreign Affairs, Education, and Health—and media officials from the Prime Minister’s office. Altogether, 31 participants […]

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