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Syria: new measures taken by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units to stop recruiting children under 18

Geneva Call welcomes the new measures taken by People’s Protection Units/Women’s Protection Units/Democratic Self-Administration in Rojava (YPG/YPJ/DSA) to address the violations of the Deed of Commitment protecting children in armed conflict signed with Geneva Call in 2014. Following a field monitoring visit in 2017, Geneva Call shared a confidential report on the respect of the […]

Destruction of 2,500 stockpiled anti-personnel mines in Western Sahara

On 22 May 2018, Geneva Call monitored the destruction of 2,500 stockpiled anti-personnel (AP) mines by the Sahrawi Mine Action Coordination Office (SMACO) in accordance with Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning AP mines, signed by the Polisario Front in 2005. The event took place near Tifariti in the presence of representatives of the Polisario […]

Conference in Beirut: preserving cultural heritage in the Middle East conflicts

On 16 March, the Friends of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Network—a platform initiated by Geneva Call—held a high-level panel discussion at the American University of Beirut entitled Protection of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict. Around 50 participants from Lebanon and abroad representing local and international organizations, academia, the Lebanese state and its armed forces, […]

Iraq: “Displaced people have the right to return to their homes.” A first training session with a tribal Sunni brigade of the Popular Mobilization Forces in Anbar

On 14 and 15 February, Geneva Call conducted a first two-day workshop on the law of armed conflict, including the rules governing the rights of displaced people, for 31 fighters and commanders from a tribal Sunni brigade of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF). The event took place in the city of Ramadi, in the province […]

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