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Requêtes médias

Humanitarian dialogue on child protection in Geneva with 10 groups affiliated with the Free Syrian Army

From 11 to 12 July, commanders and military leaders from 10 Free Syrian Army (FSA) affiliated groups participated in a workshop on how to provide better protection to children in Syria, including the prevention of the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict. Five representatives were physically present, while another five participated online. The […]

Geneva Call’s new visual identity

To reflect our broader and more international mission and to boost our visibility among very different audiences, we are pleased to announce that we are adopting a new logo, which is strong and impactful yet easily recognized and understood in all cultural contexts. There is continuity with the previous logo in terms of the colour […]

Annual Report 2017 – Protecting Civilians in Armed Conflict

Geneva Call has released its 2017 Annual Report, highlighting key achievements for the protection of civilians in armed conflicts over the last year. Among others, Geneva Call: Engaged in dialogue with 69 armed non-State actors from 17 countries on the respect of humanitarian norms Directly conducted 52 training sessions on humanitarian norms for 1,174 armed non-state actor […]

Developing our humanitarian engagement with armed non-state actors on the displacement of civilians

The world is currently witnessing the highest levels of displacement ever recorded globally; 20 people are forcibly displaced every minute as a result of conflict or persecution and the number of new displacements associated with conflict and violence has almost doubled, from 6.9 million in 2016 to 11.8 million in 2017. In light of the […]

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