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“Culture under fire”: Geneva Call launches pioneering new study on armed non-State actors and the protection of cultural heritage

Geneva Call is delighted to publish a new report entitled “Culture under fire: armed non-State actors and cultural heritage in wartime”. The report will be officially launched at an event to be held at the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington D.C. on October 25 2018, featuring a high-level panel with the participation of Yves Daccord, the […]

The Philippines: Launch of “Conflict has rules too”, an awareness campaign on the law of armed conflict

“Conflict has rules too”: this is the core message of the multimedia campaign that Geneva Call is launching today in Cotabato City in the Philippines, in the presence of national, regional and local Filipino authorities, civil society organizations and the humanitarian community.  From now on anybody has the opportunity to learn about humanitarian norms in […]

Landmark high-level meeting between Geneva Call and the Sudanese authorities on the respect of IHL and the protection of civilians

As part of its ongoing humanitarian dialogue on the protection of civilians, Geneva Call held meetings with the Sudanese authorities during a visit to Khartoum between 11 and 13 September 2018.   The Sudanese authorities recognised that Geneva Call could make a contribution to improving compliance with the norms of international humanitarian law by the […]

Geneva Call raises awareness of the need to protect displaced persons in Iraq and supports the launch of the Peshmerga forces’ first code of conduct

During the summer months of 2018 Geneva Call organized three workshops in Iraq around the rules for the protection of displaced persons and prohibition of forced displacement in Baghdad, Anbar and Kirkuk. These workshops featured a new training tool on displacement, developed in-house by Geneva Call.   In Baghdad the training sessions were delivered to […]

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