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New mine risk workshops launched in the Chocó region of Colombia

Geneva Call has recently launched a series of new workshops on mine risk education in the Chocó department of Colombia. The workshops aim to raise awareness of the issue of landmines and the risks they pose to civilians. The first such workshop was organised in the new humanitarian space known as the “territorio interétnico, humanitario […]

Geneva Call organizes its first workshop for journalists on the protection of internally displaced persons

On November 7 and 8 2018, Geneva Call organized a two-day workshop on the protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in armed conflict for Kurdish journalists in Erbil. Eighteen TV, radio, print and online media journalists from across different areas of the Kurdistan region of Iraq took part in the workshop. Over the two days, […]

The Syrian Democratic Forces release 56 children under the age of 18

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) recently announced that 56 boys under the age of 18 had left their organisation and were returned to their families. This decision came following a military order on child protection, issued by the SDF on 5 September 2018. This order included the prohibition to recruit and use children for combat […]

Geneva Call launches an innovative new Deed of Commitment on protecting health care in armed conflict

Attacks on health care facilities, personnel and medical transports have increased significantly in conflict zones in recent years. Armed groups are believed to be responsible for about a third of all such incidents of violence worldwide. Injuring and killing medical personnel and their patients or using hospitals for military purposes prevents medical personnel from caring […]

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