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Geneva Call holds a workshop in Beirut to support NGOs working in Syria

On December 18 and 19 2018, Geneva Call organised a two-day workshop in Beirut, Lebanon covering International Humanitarian Law, and humanitarian protection and access in Syria for thirty-four different international and Syrian NGOs. In light of the challenges in securing and sustaining humanitarian access and the central role that access plays in contributing to the […]

Final destruction of 2,485 stockpiled anti-personnel mines in Western Sahara

On 6 January 2019, Geneva Call monitored the destruction of 2,485 stockpiled anti-personnel (AP) mines by the Sahrawi Mine Action Coordination Office (SMACO) in accordance with Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning AP mines, signed by the Polisario Front in 2005. This marks the eighth and final such destruction since the Polisario Front signed the […]

“Armed conflicts have rules too”: press conference in Kiev

Geneva Call organized a press conference in Ukraine on December 13, 2018 to launch its first ever programme in Ukraine. The main speaker, Marie Lequin, Head of the Eurasia region at Geneva Call, focused on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts. Lequin emphasized that it is precisely in those countries enduring armed conflict that […]

Iraq: two armed actors sign a humanitarian declaration to protect civilians, children and displaced people

On 12 December 2018, the Ninewa Guards – an armed actor from Mosul – and the Ezidkhan Protection Forces – a Yezidi armed actor from Sinjar – each signed a “Unilateral Humanitarian Declaration to Respect Humanitarian Norms during and in the aftermath of Armed Conflict or Military Operations” in the presence of Geneva Call’s Director […]

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