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L’Appel de Genève publie un rapport intitulé « Sources de droit et normes socioculturelles au Mali, creusets pour la protection des civils »

Dans le cadre de son projet « Contribuer à la consolidation de la paix et à la protection des civils au Mali », l’Appel de Genève a initié une réflexion sur les convergences et les divergences entre sources de droit dans l’optique de la protection des civils. La valeur ajoutée de ce travail réside dans […]

Visit Geneva Call’s brand-new website and watch our institutional presentation video!

An important new milestone has been reached in Geneva Call’s efforts to promote visibility of its work to improve the protection of civilians in situations of armed  conflict with the launch our innovative new website and presentation videos, following on from the launch of the organisation’s impactful new visual identity in 2018. This brand-new website, […]

Yemen: The Supreme Commander of the Southern Transitional Council signs 3 Deeds of Commitment with Geneva Call to improve the protection of civilians during armed conflicts

Photo: Amal van Leeuwen- Hamidallah, Head of Near and Middle East Region, meets with the Supreme Commander of the Southern Transitional Council in Aden, Yemen During a ceremony at the Geneva town hall on 2 July 2019, the Director General of Geneva Call, Alain Délétroz, together with representatives of the Republic and Canton of Geneva,counter-signed […]

Geneva Call conducts IHL awareness raising sessions in the East and West of Libya

Geneva Call’s Director of Operations, Hichem Khadhraoui, visited Benghazi and Tripoli in May 2019, meeting with a variety of interlocutors including the Mayors of Tripoli, Yafren and Benghazi. This was an opportunity for Geneva Call to strengthen its presence and work in both the East and West of Libya as well as to stress the […]

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