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Requêtes médias

A message from the field: Working as a humanitarian in Yemen

Yemen is entering its 6th year of the conflict; a conflict that unleashed one of the biggest contemporary humanitarian crises. Geneva Call continues calling on all armed parties involved in this conflict to adhere to and respect international humanitarian law (IHL) and spare civilians from the effects of hostilities. On this day, Geneva Call’s Country […]

Supporting Civil Society and Community Based Organizations to support the outreach on International Humanitarian Law to Armed Non-State Actors in South Sudan

Reaching armed non-State actors (ANSAs) and raising the issue of what is permitted or not during armed conflict is a challenging task. The initial contact with an ANSA is sensitive and building trust extremely laborious. When no or little prior contact is established, having those issues raised by communities can support the outreach to ANSAs […]

Geneva Call’s response to COVID-19

Geneva Call expresses its support and solidarity with all involved in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with the relevant local and national instructions and recommendations, Geneva Call temporarily closed its HQ offices and several of its field offices as of 16th March, with all staff from these offices working online until further […]

Syria: New campaign on the protection of health care in armed conflict

Amid deep concern over the devastating effects of the targeting of health care personnel and infrastructures, such as ambulances and hospitals, Geneva Call is launching a new campaign promoting the protection of health care in North West Syria.  Health care is particularly targeted in North West Syria; out of a total of 83 such attacks in Syria in […]

Requêtes médias


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