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Geneva Call in the news – Covid: l’Appel de Genève a dialogué avec près de 100 groupes armés

« L’Appel de Genève, qui fête ses 20 ans cette année, a dialogué rapidement avec 97 groupes armés dans le monde après le début de la pandémie de coronavirus. Selon lui, beaucoup de commandants ont « compris qu’ils n’avaient pas intérêt à profiter de la crise ». » Read more

An exemption for humanitarian activities in the new Swiss counter-terrorism law: A much-needed safeguard and a welcome step protecting the humanitarian space

In order to address the threat of terrorism more effectively, many countries have recently adopted new, often wide-ranging, counter-terrorism measures and laws. Against this backdrop, and amid insistent calls for a coordinated fight against terrorism and strengthened legal framework, Switzerland adopted on 25 September 2020 two new counter-terrorism laws. In addition to the new law […]

COVID-19 screening posts and their protection under International Humanitarian Law

By Ximena Galvez, Legal and Policy Officer – Eurasia Region Also available in Pashto and Ukrainian Health systems in conflict-affected countries are currently facing the twin impacts of armed conflict or violence and the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite their essential functions during this crisis, healthcare facilities continue to be attacked. In addition to state preventive measures to address […]

What is it like to be a humanitarian during a pandemic?

What is it like to be a humanitarian during a pandemic? Geneva Call’s teams share their experience working in times of COVID-19 If fighting the spread of the pandemic in the middle of conflict zones seems impossible, humanitarian workers all over the world are living proof that dedication and ingenuity can help overcome the most […]

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