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Armed Non-State Actors and Landmines Volume II : A Global Report of NSA Mine Action

NEW REPORT AVAILABLE Armed Non-State Actors and Landmines Volume II : A Global Report of NSA Mine Action Geneva – 16 November 2006 Today Geneva Call is launching its new report on mine action involving armed non-state actors (NSAs) within the framework of the Third Review Conference of the Convention on Conventional Weapons in Geneva, […]

The National Liberation Army Agrees to Demine Areas of Civilian Use in Nariño, Colombia

The National Liberation Army Agrees to Demine Areas of Civilian Use in Nariño, Colombia Geneva – 30 October 2006 Geneva Call wishes to congratulate the National Liberation Army (Ejército de Liberación Nacional, ELN) on its decision to demine several hamlets in Samaniego, in the seriously landmine-affected southern Department of Nariño. This action forms part of […]

El Ejército de Liberación Nacional Acuerda el Desminado de Zonas de Uso Civil en Nariño, Colombia

El Ejército de Liberación Nacional Acuerda el Desminado de Zonas de Uso Civil en Nariño, Colombia 30 Octubre 2006 – Ginebra El Llamamiento de Ginebra quiere felicitar al Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) por su decisión de desminar varias veredas en Samaniego, en el Departamento de Nariño en el sur del país, muy seriamente afectado […]

UNPO General Assembly Adopts Landmine Ban Resolution

UNPO General Assembly Adopts Landmine Ban Resolution Taipei – 29 October 2006 The Underrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) adopted unanimously a resolution supporting the anti-personnel mine ban during their VIII General Assembly Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan, 27-29 October 2006. This was the first time that the assembly has passed a resolution on the issue. […]

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