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New allegations on mine use by the Turkish armed forces suggests that independent verification missions are imperative

Official Turkish documents published by the Turkish Newspaper Taraf daily confirm that the armed forces planted anti-personnel (AP) mines in South East Turkey in April 2009. The Turkish Government had previously accused the Kurdish Worker’s Party (PKK) of having planted these landmines. The PKK signed the Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for a total ban on anti-personnel […]

Geneva Call Verification Mission in the Philippines finds evidence of AP mine use, but MILF responsibility not established

Geneva Call has released details of the findings of the Verification Mission in November 2009 that investigated allegations that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) had violated its obligations under the Deed of Commitment for Adherence to a Total Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines and for Cooperation in Mine Action by using Anti-Personnel (AP) mines.The allegations emanated in […]

Investigation in the Philippines finds evidence of AP mine use; MILF responsibility not established

Investigation in the Philippines finds evidence of AP mine use; MILF responsibility not established Geneva – 26 March 2010 Geneva Call has released details of a report of an investigative mission that took place in November 2009, to verify the alleged use of victim-activated anti-personnel (AP) mines by an armed group in the Philippines. The […]

Comunicado del Llamamiento de Ginebra frente a la situación de emergencia en las comunidades afectadas por las MAP y los REG. [Spanish]

El Llamamiento de Ginebra, en su lucha en contra de las minas antipersonal (MAP) comparte la preocupación sobre la situación crítica causada por las MAP y por los restos explosivos de guerra (REG) en muchas zonas de Colombia. De nuevo, la población civil del municipio de Samaniego (Nariño) ha sido sometida a una serie de […]

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