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Positive steps to protect women and girls during armed conflict

At the invitation of Geneva Call, 23 representatives of eight Asian armed non-­State actors (NSAs) from Burma/Myanmar, India and the Philippines gathered in Geneva, Switzerland in December to discuss ways to improve the protection of women and girls during armed conflict. The workshop resulted in NSAs themselves taking important steps towards improving the protection of […]

Recent visit to Iraqi Kurdistan to monitor implementation of the Deed of Commitment

Geneva Call’s recent visit to Iraqi Kurdistan to monitor implementation of the Deed of Commitment banning AP mines Geneva, 22 December 2010 A delegation from Geneva Call has recently visited the mountains of northern Iraq to meet with leaders of the HPG – the armed wing of the PKK – to discuss several matters of […]

Announcing Launch of Deed of Commitment on Children and Armed Conflict

Announcing Launch of Deed of Commitment on Children and Armed Conflict 2 November 2010 Geneva Call is pleased to announce the launch of the Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for the Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict. This standard and universal instrument aims to provide Armed non-State actors (NSAs), which lack […]

Iranian Kurdish Organizations Prohibit the Use of Anti-Personnel Mines

The quest to rid the Middle East of anti-personnel mines has taken a step forward today with two armed non-State actors signing Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment. By signing this document, the « Kurdistan Democratic Party – Iran » and the « Free Life Party of Kurdistan/Liberation Forces of Eastern Kurdistan » have pledged to ban these weapons, as […]

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