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Victimes sans frontières : Sénégal, Guinée-Bissau et Gambie. Plus de 900 leaders locaux de trois pays mobilisés contre les mines

Victimes sans frontières : Sénégal, Guinée-­‐Bissau et Gambie. Plus de 900 leaders locaux de trois pays mobilisés contre les mines La région de Casamance au Sénégal est fortement affectée par le fléau des mines antipersonnel en raison du conflit encore en cours entre l’armée sénégalaise et les rebelles du Mouvement des Forces Démocratiques de Casamance […]

Victims without borders: Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Gambia

More than 900 local leaders across three countries against landmines  The Casamance region of Senegal is heavily affected by the scourge of anti8personnel (AP) landmines, as a result of the on on-going conflict between the Senegalese army and the rebel Movement of the Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC). The impact of these weapons however goes beyond Senegal […]

Expert conference in Geneva on armed non-state actors and the protection of internally displaced people

Expert Conference in Geneva on Armed Non-­‐State Actors and the Protection of Internally Displaced People An expert conference exploring the complex relationship between armed non-­‐state actors (NSAs) and internal displacement, co-­‐organised by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre and Geneva Call, took place in Geneva, Switzerland on 23 and 24 March 2011. The conference built on […]

Building knowledge in International Humanitarian Law for the Polisario Front

From 27 to 29 April 2011, Geneva Call, in cooperation with the Sanremo International Institute of Humanitarian Law, conducted a training course on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) for five senior military officers of the Polisario Front. The training was provided following discussions with the Polisario Front on deepening their knowledge of IHL. It addressed a […]

Requêtes médias


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