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South Sudan: from the Geneva Call Deed of Commitment to the Ottawa Convention

In depositing its notification of succession to the United Nations 11 November last, the Republic of South Sudan has become the 158th State Party to the Anti-­Personnel Mine Ban Convention, commonly known as the Ottawa Convention. “We congratulate the new Government of South Sudan for having taken this commitment, only five months after declaring independence”, […]

Niger: the government and the former rebels join forces against landmines

Niger: the government and the former rebels join forces against landmines “Bringing together so many members of the Government armed forces and the former rebels around the issue of mine clearance has never been done before, and is a symbol of confidence in the future”, former rebel commander, Agadez, Niger, 23 October2011. On 22 and […]

Niger: Le gouvernement et l’ex-rébellion ensemble contre les mines terrestres

Niger: Le gouvernement et l’ex-rébellion ensemble contre les mines terrestres “Réunir pendant deux jours autant de militaires et d’ex-­‐combattants autour de la thématique du déminage n’a jusqu’à présent jamais été réalisé au Niger et symbolise un important gage de confiance pour l’avenir ” ; un cadre de l’ex-­‐ rébellion, Agadez, Niger, 23 octobre 2011. Le […]

Victims without borders: Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Gambia. More than 900 local leaders across three countries against landmines

Victims without borders: Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Gambia More than 900 local leaders across three countries against landmines The Casamance region of Senegal is heavily affected by the scourge of anti-­‐personnel (AP) landmines, as a result of the on-­‐going conflict between the Senegalese army and the rebel Movement of the Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC). The […]

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