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Burmese armed non-State actors become first signatories of Geneva Call’s Children and Armed Conflict Deed of Commitment

Burma/Myanmar: Two armed groups undertake not to use child soldiers: the first to sign Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment on children. The Karenni National Progressive Party/Karenni Army (KNPP/KA) and the New Mon State Party/Mon National Liberation Army (NMSP/MNLA) from Burma/Myanmar are the first to sign Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment for the Protection of Children […]

Geneva Call launches a new Deed of Commitment towards an end to sexual violence and gender discrimination

Geneva Call launches a new Deed of Commitment towards an end to sexual violence and gender discrimination The Deed of Commitment on the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict and towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination is Geneva Call’s third Deed of Commitment. Launched in July 2012, it is a standard and universal document […]

Sudan: the Justice and Equality Movement pledges against anti-personnel mines

Sudan: the Justice and Equality Movement pledges against anti-­personnel mines The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), part of the Sudanese armed opposition, has formally pledged to ban anti-­personnel (AP) mines. JEM brings to 42 the number of armed non-­State actors worldwide to have signed Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment banning AP mines. It is the […]

Geneva Call in the world’s Top 100 Best NGOs

Geneva Call in the world’s Top 100 Best NGOs Geneva Call is honoured to find itself in The Global Journal’s Top 100 Best non-­governmental organisations. Ranking 94th alongside some of the world’s top charities, Geneva Call is pleased to be recognised for its qualities and the unique work that it performs. The list was compiled […]

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