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FIGHTER NOT KILLER Campaign launched by Geneva Call against violations in Syria

Two years into the armed conflict in Syria, numerous flagrant and highly visible violations of the laws of war are contributing to a vicious circle of escalation and brutality, and the increased targeting of civilians. Geneva Call has launched a new campaign using TV, video and social media describing, with simple easy-to-follow graphics and voice-over, […]

Zomi Re-unification organization (ZRO)

2013 : Geneva Call recognized in the world’s Top 100 Best NGOs

Communiqué 2013 : Geneva Call recognised in the world’s Top 100 Best NGOs Geneva Call is hugely honoured to find itself – for the second year running – in The Global Journal’s Top 100 Best non-governmental organisations. “This means so much to the team and our partners in the field, and recognizes Geneva Call’s role […]

Iranian Kurdish armed non-State actors commit to a prohibition on sexual violence in armed conflict and to improving child protection

Two years of negotiation have led to the formal commitment by five armed non-State actors (ANSAs) from Iran of Geneva Call’s Deed of Commitment for the Prohibition of Sexual Violence in Situations of Armed Conflict and towards the Elimination of Gender Discrimination and Deed of Commitment for the Protection of Children from the Effects of […]

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