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Iraq: Humanitarian Situation and Geneva Call’s priorities | An interview with Vance Culbert, Head of Region MENA and Colombia

  Transcript: Can you talk about the current conflict situation in Iraq? What are the recent developments? What are the main armed actors involved? Unfortunately we had a terrible bombing in Sadr City just yesterday, where 35 civilians were killed. These indiscriminate attacks on civilians with no clear military objective are of course one of […]

Humanitarian Access in Armed Conflicts: Main Takeaways

Also available in Russian, Ukrainian, Dari and Pashto.    Humanitarian assistance is essential to save lives, alleviate suffering and preserve human dignity during armed conflicts and other crises. It focuses on providing material aid (e.g., food, water, clothes) and facilitating logistics aid to people in need (e.g., providing shelters, safe transportation). Unfortunately, denials and barriers […]

Coming soon: Expansion of Geneva Call’s COVID-19 ANSA Response Monitor

The Paris Peace Forum 2020 was an excellent opportunity to present Geneva Call’s COVID-19 Armed Non-State Actor (ANSA) Response Monitor, which showcases a variety of responses and measures ANSAs have adopted and continue to adopt around the world in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. One year since its launch, Geneva Call’s ANSA COVID-19 Response Monitor […]

The role of women in the reduction of violence in Afghanistan

During the week of June 14th to June 20th, 2021, Geneva Call’s Director-General, Mr. Alain Délétroz, traveled to Afghanistan to visit Geneva Call’s country program. During his visit, Mr. Délétroz co-hosted a virtual roundtable event on The Role and Participation of Women Within and Associated with Armed Non-State Actors (ANSAs) in Armed Conflicts in Afghanistan […]

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