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4. How does Geneva Call monitor compliance with the Deed of Commitment?

4. How does Geneva Call monitor compliance with the Deed of Commitment?

Training on International Humanitarian Law for members of the ELN in prison in Colombia

In late 2013, with the support of the University of San Buenaventura and independent experts, Geneva Call held an International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL) course for ten ELN (National Liberation Army) members in the Bellavista prison in Medellín. The ELN is the second largest insurgent group in Colombia. The participants, […]

Palestinian factions in Lebanon adopt a declaration on the protection of children

At the invitation of Geneva Call, nine Palestinian factions attended a roundtable discussion on the protection of children from the effects of armed conflict and violence in Mieh Mieh refugee camp, Lebanon, on 17 December. The event was the result of a year of preparation and led to the adoption of a declaration by the […]

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