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« 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005 » – Recognition for all the women involved in promoting peace and human dignity

1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005
Recognition for All the Women Involved in Promoting Peace and Human Dignity

On 29 June 2005, the names of 1000 women from more than 150 countries were put forward as a joint candidature for the Nobel Peace prize, as a recognition of the richness, depth, and diversity of the actions carried out by women who, day after day, work for peace.

Geneva Call is pleased to announce that its president, Elisabeth Reusse-Decrey is one of the nominees from Switzerland. This distinction honours a novel approach and proves one more time, that with original thought, determination and conviction, the world can be changed. As Mrs. Reusse-Decrey said, this nomination recognises Geneva Call’s novel approach of engaging armed Non-State Actors in the interest of humanity.

Geneva Call would like to congratulate all the nominees and emphasize that this nomination is symbolic. It is vital to support the women of today who fight with passion, fortitude, and bravery for a better world, a world of justice and equality, and a world of peace.

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