
Découvrez nos derniers développements et les derniers messages publiés sur nos canaux de communication.


Visit Geneva Call’s brand-new website and watch our institutional presentation video!

An important new milestone has been reached in Geneva Call’s efforts to promote visibility of its work to improve the protection of civilians in situations of armed  conflict with the launch our innovative new website and presentation videos, following on from the launch of the organisation’s impactful new visual identity in 2018.

This brand-new website, with an updated design and fully revamped content, presents our operations and activities in a more visually engaging and modernised way, providing stakeholders with an improved insight into where we work and how we work. The new presentation video, available in both French and English, offers an up-to-date overview of the organisation’s mission and successes over the past years.

In recent years we have consolidated our operations to ensure we are active in the most intense conflicts globally, where we can have the greatest possible positive impact on the lives of civilian populations, and we now also carry out activities related to a wider range of thematic issues than ever before. These new communication tools will thus boost our visibility among different stakeholders by keeping them up to date with our operations and activities, across the globe, and on a range of thematic issues. Our new website is available at and our new presentation videos can be viewed here.



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